Today’s assembly (September 08 2024, Monday ) was gracefully anchored by Munshidha who ensured the event proceeded smoothly from start to finish.

The assembly began with a serene prayer led by Angitha, Manju, and Ansila, creating a peaceful atmosphere. Following this,Asna confidently led the Pledge, instilling a sense of patriotism in all present.

Next,Shameema delivered the news update, keeping everyone informed about the latest happenings. Afterward, Arya followed with a holy thought, offering spiritual wisdom to the assembly.

The highlight of the session was the presentation by Nooruniha who effectively used a PowerPoint presentation to convey about ‘Literacy Day’, engaging the audience with her content.

Finally Sulaikha presented “എന്റെ നാട്” which resonated deeply with everyone present.
The assembly was well-organized and impactful, leaving a positive impression on all attendees.