Leave Policy for Teaching and Non-Teaching Staff at MI Training College, Ponnani

Introduction: Human resources are the most valuable asset of an organization. MI Training College, Ponnani (MITC) has outlined all possible procedures and protocols for the teaching and non-teaching staff to avail leaves. This set of rules is known as the Leave Policy.


Leave: Leave is a provision to stay away from work, for genuine reasons, with prior approval of the competent authorities. 

Holiday: It is a provision to stay away from work without prior approval of competent authority, unless specifically called through an office order.

Working Days and Hours:

  • Teaching Staff:
    • Working Days: Monday to Friday, and Saturdays when called by the Principal
    • Working Hours: 9:15 AM to 4:30 PM
  • Non-Teaching Staff:
    • Working Days: Monday to Saturday
    • Working Hours: 9:15 AM to 4:40 PM
  • Public Holidays:
    • Public holidays or any special holidays announced by the College administration will be excluded from the working days unless special duty is assigned.

Types of Leave and Provisions:

  1. Casual Leave (CL):
    • Teaching Staff: 10 CLs per calendar year 
    • Non-Teaching Staff: 15 CLs per calendar year 
  2. Sick Leave (SL):
    • All Staff: 5 SLs per year
    • Sick leave up to three days can be approved on submission of any medical prescription or the Principal’s understanding of the condition, whereas beyond three days can be followed by a medical certificate.
  3. Duty Leave (DL):
    • As pre-approved by the Principal
    • Applicable for official duties assigned by the College/University
    • When faculty is invited as a resource person to any reputed institution, leave can be denied or sanctioned by the Principal. The invitation must be routed through the Principal, and a certificate must be submitted in the College office the next day.
  4. Special Leave (SL):
    • When faculty is invited as a resource person to any reputed institution, leave can be denied or sanctioned by the Principal. The invitation must be routed through the Principal, and a certificate must be submitted in the College office the next day. (Maximum 2 leaves in a year for a Faculty)
    • When the faculty submits an application for any programs such as FDP/Orientation/Refresher Course/Short-term Course etc. by UGC-HRDC or TLCs, leave may be granted promoting professional development. The application must be forwarded by the Principal, and a valid duty certificate/releasing certificate along with the event’s certificate must be submitted upon return. The decision is up to the Principal considering the time, duration, relevance, and work arrangements. Additionally, the faculty must update other faculty members with the knowledge/skills attained from such events by organizing presentation sessions in-house after returning.
    • Special leaves (up to one day) may be granted for final open defence or viva voce of Ph.D. Degree if the enrolment is made through proper channels and to a valid institution/university.
    • For examinations related to the research degree, up to three leaves may be granted. The hall tickets issued by the university must be submitted along with the request.
  5. Long Leaves including Maternity Leave:
    • Must be sanctioned priorly by the management through the Principal

Conditions for Leave:

  • Request Submission:
    • A request application for any short-term leave should be submitted at least 7 days prior to the requested leave date.
    • Leave can be taken only after the Principal sanctions the leave for the specified date and duration.
    • The Principal can reject or reduce the number of days depending on the prevailing situation and the number of leave applicants for the same period.
  • Carrying Forward Leave:
    • Sick leave if not taken in the given year can be availed in the next year (carried forward).
    • Casual leave, if not availed in the given year, will not be carried forward.
    • Leave carried forward cannot be encashed.
  • Casual Leave Sanction:
    • At a time, no more than two casual leaves will be sanctioned.
    • Excess leave taken will be adjusted with accumulated leave (if any); otherwise, it will result in a salary cut.
  • Late Coming:
    • Late coming up to 15 minutes: If found more than three times in a month, it shall be regarded as a half-day casual leave (per month).
    • Late coming beyond 15 minutes and up to 30 minutes: Three such instances in a year will be considered as a half-day casual leave (per year calculation).
    • Late coming beyond 30 minutes: Will be taken as half-day leave on the same day.
    • If casual leave is exhausted, late marks will be considered as leave without pay.
  • Special Duty Assignments:
    • Duty assigned to any staff beyond the work hours mentioned, in special cases such as events like sports, arts, and living camps, will not be considered for availing any special leaves. All these are part of the duty.
  • Guest/Part-Time Faculty/Staff:
    • The guest/part-time faculty/staff may not be subjected to the above-mentioned leaves. They may follow what is mentioned in their appointment order or the Principal’s decisions.
  • Non-Payable Leaves:
    • For appearing for any job interview, qualifying examinations, competitive tests leading to employment, etc. All the applications other than government agencies (if not asked for forwarding or NOC from the employer) must be forwarded by the Principal or Management as per the nature of the applications. If the employer’s/Head of Institution’s signature is not required on the application form, a copy of the form must be submitted in the office.
  • Vacation Salary:
    • The vacation, if any, granted by the management to the faculty, may or may not include the salary considering the situations. There must be 8 months of service in the academic year for the vacation salary. If any special duties are arranged during this period, the staff are bound to follow them.
  • Out-of-Station Travels:
    • All staff, if travelling beyond 300 Kms, must obtain prior permission before they apply for leave. A foreign visit must be approved by the management through the Principal.
  • No Leave but Work Arrangement:
    • For attending online workshops, seminars, FDPs, orientation programs, refresher courses, online webinars, etc., a provision may be granted considering the situations including relevance, feasibility, etc., without affecting the teaching-learning-evaluation practices of the college.

Approval Process:

  • All leave requests and letters must be routed through the Principal for approval.

By following these guidelines, MITC ensures a fair and systematic approach to managing leave, benefiting both staff members and the organization.