The assembly began with Fathima Shameema C taking the lead as the anchor, gracefully welcoming everyone and setting a positive tone for the day’s proceedings.
Arya and Sulaikha initiated the assembly with a beautiful prayer, filling the atmosphere with a sense of peace and calm.

Amjidha Jasmin then led the gathering in reciting the pledge, instilling a sense of patriotism and duty towards the nation.

Munshida kept everyone informed with the latest happenings by presenting the news, ensuring the audience was aware of current events, both globally and locally.

Thafseera shared an inspiring thought for the day, leaving everyone with a motivational message to reflect upon.

Nooruniha then presented the holy thought, reminding the assembly of spiritual values and moral responsibility.

Manju’s presentation was the highlight of the assembly, as she showcased an engaging and insightful topic, keeping the audience captivated throughout.

Ansila took the stage to discuss key questions about the K-TET providing useful information for those preparing for the exam.

To wrap up, Angitha beautifully presented Ente Naad vedio presentation
The assembly concluded on a high note, leaving everyone motivated and enriched with knowledge and inspiration.