Talents Day 22

Date: October 31, 2022

Venue: MI Training College Auditorium

Introduction: Talents Day is an introductory event celebrated with great zeal at training colleges, providing students with a platform to showcase their diverse talents and abilities. This report aims to outline the highlights and outcomes of the Talents Day celebration held at our training college.


  • To provide students with an opportunity to showcase their talents in various fields.
  • To foster a culture of creativity, innovation, and self-expression among students.
  • To promote inclusivity and appreciation of diverse talents within the college community.

Methodology: The Talents Day celebration was organized by a dedicated committee comprising students and faculty members. The event featured a variety of activities including performances, exhibitions, competitions, and interactive sessions. Participants were invited to showcase their talents cooking, serving, packing, sales promotions and their business strategies.

Program Highlights:

Opening Ceremony: The day began auspiciously with a prayer at 10 am, invoking blessings for the success and harmony of the event. Following the prayer, the program was inaugurated by the college principal Ajitha Kumary mam. The welcoming remarks from the faculty members. They emphasized the importance of recognizing and nurturing individual talents alongside academic pursuits.

Diverse Performances: The program featured a wide array of performances, including music, dance, drama, poetry recitation, and visual arts. Students showcased their talents through solo and group performances, displaying creativity and passion across various art forms.

Talent Showcases: In addition to scheduled performances, students were encouraged to spontaneously showcase their talents during designated open mic sessions. This segment provided a platform for hidden talents to shine and for students to support and appreciate each other’s abilities.

Community Engagement: The Talents Day program also aimed to engage with the broader community beyond the college campus. Invitations were extended to local schools, community organizations, and families, fostering connections and promoting a sense of inclusivity and collaboration.

By Silva P