Date: 12/12/2024

Presented by: Physical Science

Physical Science conducted an assembly on December 12, 2024, in honor of “Universal Health Coverage Day”. The event focused on raising awareness about the importance of accessible healthcare and the contributions of science in advancing global health.

Anchoring and Introduction

The assembly began with a warm welcome from Navya C to all the teachers and students. The event kicked off with great enthusiasm and energy. Teachers and students came together to celebrate the day, which featured a prayer, pledge, news updates, a thought for the day, a holy reflection, and a presentation.


Set on a positive note for the day, the gathering began with a meaningful prayer led by Anagha C P and Hanan M K.


Hana M K guided us in taking the Pledge, bringing everyone together to reaffirm our dedication to harmony and unity.

News Report

Asna T K took the stage to present today’s news, delivering an engaging and informative update on recent events and happenings.

Thought of the day

Anagha M.P. shared an inspiring thought about the importance of listening to our minds and trusting our inner instincts. 

Holy thought

Vrinda A. provided the Holy Thought, a daily source of inspiration and reflection.


The presentation on Universal Health Coverage was led by Thoufira K, who provided valuable insight into the topic. And also highlighted the challenges faced by UHC and emphasized the importance of accessible healthcare for all. She explained how equitable health services are crucial for improving global health outcomes and reducing disparities.


The assembly was concluded by Shalini Miss, the head of the Physical Science Department, who expressed her gratitude for everyone’s active participation. She also stressed the importance of having a healthy breakfast as a key factor in maintaining good health. Miss acknowledged the hard work and dedication of everyone involved, which made the assembly a great success.