Date: 30/08/2024
Location: MI Training College Auditorium

Opening Ceremony

The Talent Day Program at MI Training College began on a spiritual note with an opening prayer led by Shahanas, Arya, and Angitha. Their heartfelt and harmonious prayer created a serene atmosphere, setting a positive tone for the day’s events.

Welcome Speech

Lulu Shahana, a B.Ed student, delivered the welcome speech with grace and enthusiasm. Lulu welcomed the audience warmly, outlined the significance of Talent Day, and expressed gratitude to everyone involved. Her words effectively set the stage for the festivities and energized the crowd.

Presidential Address

The Principal of MI Training College, Dr. Naseerali M.K., delivered the presidential address. Dr. Naseerali highlighted the importance of recognizing and nurturing student talents and praised the initiative behind the Talent Day Program. His inspiring words underscored the college’s dedication to fostering students’ artistic and intellectual growth.

Inauguration Ceremony

The inauguration was a memorable moment, marked by the presence of Hamsa Ponnani , a well-known singer. Hamsa not only inaugurated the event but also performed a song for the students, creating an engaging and uplifting atmosphere. His performance was a highlight, adding a special touch to the day’s celebrations.


Following the inauguration, Mr. Ameen Farook, a respected teacher at MI Training College, conducted the felicitation segment. Mr. Ameen Farook praised the students for their hard work and achievements, acknowledging their contributions to the cultural fabric of the college. His words of appreciation were well-received and added to the event’s positive spirit.

Cultural Programs

The cultural segment of the program was a vibrant display of student talent and creativity. The event began with a captivating session where students imitated famous film characters, showcasing their ability to bring iconic personalities to life.

This was followed by a variety of individual performances, including:

Singing: Solo performances that ranged from classical to contemporary.
Dance: Solo dances displaying different styles and techniques.
Monoact: Dramatic monologues that captivated the audience.
Poem Recitation: Emotional and expressive readings of poetry.
Speech: Inspirational and thought-provoking speeches.
Additionally, the cultural program featured:

Duet Songs: Harmonious performances by pairs of students.
Group Items: Dynamic group performances including mime, nadanpaattu (traditional folk songs), mash-up dances, group dances, and Oppana (a traditional dance form).
Teacher Participation: A few teachers also took part, adding an element of camaraderie and enthusiasm to the event.

Vote of Thanks

The program concluded with a heartfelt vote of thanks delivered by Farzana, a student from MI Training College. Farzana expressed gratitude to all participants, performers, and attendees, acknowledging the efforts of everyone who contributed to making the Talent Day Program a success.


The Talent Day Program at MI Training College was a resounding success, celebrated with creativity and enthusiasm. The event not only showcased the diverse talents of the students but also fostered a sense of community and appreciation within the college. From the inspiring opening prayer to the engaging cultural performances and the heartfelt vote of thanks, every segment of the program contributed to a memorable and impactful day. The collective efforts of students, faculty, and guests made Talent Day a remarkable celebration of artistic and intellectual achievements.

Report Prepared by:
MI Training College