As part of the Literary Lens series organized by the Literary Club at MITC, Haneesa, a B.Ed student from Ansar Training College, delivered a comprehensive review of Robert Kiyosaki’s Rich Dad Poor Dad on the 16th of August 2024. The session was conducted via Google Meet and attracted a wide audience of students and faculty members interested in literary discussions and financial education.

Haneesa began the review by introducing Rich Dad Poor Dad, summarizing its key themes, particularly focusing on financial literacy and the contrasting approaches to wealth-building depicted through the “rich dad” and “poor dad” characters. She effectively highlighted how the book challenges conventional wisdom about money and education, making it a thought-provoking read for those interested in financial independence.

In discussing the major takeaways from the book, Haneesa emphasized several key lessons. She spoke about the significance of financial education and why it is crucial for achieving financial independence. She also delved into the differentiation between assets and liabilities, stressing the importance of acquiring assets that generate passive income. Additionally, she highlighted the mindset shift that Kiyosaki advocates—from working for money to making money work for you—and the importance of taking calculated risks. Haneesa shared her personal reflections on how the book influenced her thinking about financial independence and entrepreneurship. She discussed the importance of building multiple income streams and the necessity of financial planning from a young age. Her reflections resonated with many participants, who found her insights both practical and inspiring.

The session was highly interactive, with participants engaging in a lively discussion about the concepts presented in the book. Haneesa encouraged her peers to think critically about their financial habits and consider how they might apply the lessons from the book in their own lives. The discussion added depth to the review, allowing for a rich exchange of ideas.

In conclusion, Haneesa emphasized the relevance of Rich Dad Poor Dad in today’s fast-paced economic environment and recommended it to anyone looking to improve their financial acumen. She also encouraged ongoing learning and exploration of financial topics beyond traditional education.

The review session was a resounding success, with attendees praising Haneesa for her insightful analysis and engaging presentation style. The Literary Lens event continues to provide a platform for intellectual discussions, fostering a deeper appreciation for literature among the MITC community.

By Ramitha