Date: 18 th January 2024

Objective:The objective of the training program was to enhance the interview skills of the participants and help them prepare for upcoming job interviews.

Introduction:JCI Ponnani chapter conducted its 7th Future Training program on 18th January 2024 at MI Training College in Puduponnani. The session was facilitated by Mr. Subhash Nair, a renowned zone trainer. The focus of the training program was to provide participants with the necessary skills and knowledge to excel in job interviews.

Session Highlights:The training program commenced at 10:00 AM with an introduction by the chapter president, Mr. Rajesh Krishnan. He welcomed all the participants and expressed his gratitude to Mr. Subhash Nair for agreeing to conduct the session. Mr. Nair started the session by outlining the importance of interview skills in today’s competitive job market.

The session covered various aspects of interview preparation, including:

1. Understanding the job description: Mr. Nair emphasized the significance of thoroughly understanding the job description before attending an interview. He explained the importance of aligning one’s skills and experiences with the requirements mentioned in the job description.

2. Researching the company: Participants were guided on the importance of researching the company before attending an interview. Mr. Nair provided tips on gathering information about the company’s history, mission, values, and recent achievements.

3. Preparing responses to common interview questions: The trainer highlighted the common interview questions that candidates can expect and provided effective techniques to structure and deliver their responses. Participants were encouraged to practice answering interview questions during the session.

4. Non-verbal communication: Mr. Nair stressed the significance of non-verbal communication in an interview. He explained the importance of maintaining eye contact, using appropriate body language, and projecting confidence through posture and gestures.

5. Dressing and grooming: The participants were given guidance on appropriate attire and grooming for interviews. Mr. Nair emphasized the significance of presenting oneself professionally and the impact it has on the interviewer’s perception.

The training program included interactive activities and role-play exercises, enabling participants to practice their interview skills in a simulated environment. Participants were encouraged to provide each other with constructive feedback to further enhance their skills.

Conclusion:The training program organized by JCI Ponnani chapter proved to be highly insightful and beneficial for all the participants. Through Mr. Subhash Nair’s expert guidance and interactive learning activities, participants gained valuable knowledge and skills to excel in job interviews. The event concluded with a vote of thanks from the chapter president, expressing appreciation to Mr. Nair and all the participants for their active involvement.

Overall, the training program was well-received, and participants left with increased confidence and preparedness to face future job interviews.