Date: 05/09/2023


On 05/09/2023 MI Training College Puduponnani radiated with warmth and appreciation as students and faculty gathered to celebrate Teachers’ Day. This special occasion was dedicated to recognizing and honouring the invaluable contributions of teachers in shaping the lives of students. The event was marked by a heartfelt welcome address, an inspiring presidential speech by the principal, speeches by teachers, a touching gesture of gratitude from students through gift-giving, and a joyous moment of cake cutting. This report aims to capture the essence of the celebration, highlighting the significant moments and sentiments shared.

Welcome Address by Ragina Razak

The Teachers’ Day celebration began with a passionate and friendly greeting from Smt. Ragina Razak, a first-year English optional student. Ragina’s words echoed with gratitude and admiration as she welcomed everyone and expressed profound appreciation for the dedication and guidance of teachers. She emphasized the pivotal role of teachers in shaping the academic and personal growth of students and set a tone of reverence and gratitude for the event.

Presidential Address by Principal

Following Ragina’s welcome, the principal of MI Training College Puduponnani Smt. Ajitha Kumary S delivered an inspiring presidential address. The principal shared heartfelt words of gratitude and admiration for the teaching fraternity. She highlighted the profound impact teachers have on shaping the future generation and reiterated the institution’s commitment to supporting and uplifting teachers in their noble endeavour.

Speeches by Teachers

The celebration included speeches by teachers who shared personal anecdotes, experiences, and words of wisdom. These speeches provided insight into the challenges and joys of teaching while also expressing gratitude towards students for their receptiveness and enthusiasm. The speeches served as a poignant reminder of the bond between teachers and students and the shared journey of learning and growth.

Gift presentation by students

Students presented personalized cards and rose flowers to their teachers as tokens of appreciation. These heartfelt gestures symbolized the students’ gratitude and admiration for their mentors’ guidance and support throughout their academic journey.

Cake cutting Ceremony

The celebration culminated in a joyous cake-cutting ceremony led by the principal alongside the teachers. The cake represented the harmony and companionship that exist between both teachers and students. The ceremony was accompanied by cheers and applause, marking the conclusion of a memorable and meaningful Teachers’ Day celebration.

Cultural Performance

The celebration featured vibrant cultural performances that added colour and energy to the event. Faculty member Ameen Farooq from the English department captivated the audience with a soulful rendition, showcasing his musical talents and adding a touch of melody to the celebration. Subadhra and her team mesmerized the audience with a vibrant dance performance, infusing energy and enthusiasm into the event. Their graceful movements and synchronized choreography were met with thunderous applause. Najiya Fathima and team’s melodious group song enthralled the audience and created a festive atmosphere filled with joy and celebration. These performances served as a tribute to the teaching fraternity and underscored the spirit of unity and camaraderie among students and teachers


The Teachers’ Day celebration at MI Training College Puduponnai was a heartfelt tribute to the dedicated educators who enlighten and inspire. From the welcoming address by Regina Razak to the presidential address by the principal, the event resonated with gratitude and appreciation for the invaluable contributions of teachers. The gesture of gift-giving, captivating cultural performances and the joyous cake-cutting ceremony added depth and joy to the celebration, leaving an indelible mark of appreciation and reverence. As the event concluded, the spirit of gratitude and unity continued to resonate, serving as a testament to the profound impact of teachers on the institution and beyond

By Ramitha